Objective: To investigate whether the use of the think-aloud method with propositional analysis could be helpful in the design of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) providing guideline recommendations about long-term follow-up of childhood cancer survivors.
Materials and methods: The think-aloud method was used to gain insight into healthcare professionals' information processing while reviewing a paper-based guideline. A total of 13 healthcare professionals (6 physicians and 7 physician assistants) prepared 2 fictitious patient consults using the paper-based guideline. Propositional analysis was used to analyze verbal protocols of the think-aloud sessions. A prototype CDSS was developed and a usability study was performed, again with the think-aloud method.
Results: The analysis revealed that the paper-based guideline did not support healthcare practitioners in finding patient-specific recommendations. An information processing model for retrieving recommendations was developed and used as input for the design of a CDSS prototype user interface. Usability analysis of the prototype CDSS showed that the navigational structure of the system fitted well with healthcare practitioners' daily practices.
Conclusions: The think-aloud method combined with propositional analysis of healthcare practitioners' verbal utterances while they processed a paper-based guideline was useful in the design of a usable CDSS providing patient-specific guideline recommendations.
Keywords: Childhood cancer survivors; Clinical Decision Support System; Clinical guidelines; Human factors engineering; Think-aloud method.
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