The Fountain of Health: Bringing Seniors' Mental Health Promotion into Clinical Practice

Can Geriatr J. 2015 Dec 23;18(4):217-24. doi: 10.5770/cgj.18.197. eCollection 2015 Dec.


Background: The Fountain of Health (FoH) initiative offers valuable evidence-based mental health knowledge and provides clinicians with evaluated tools for translating knowledge into practice, in order to reduce seniors' risks of mental disorders, including dementia.

Methods: A presentation on mental health promotion and educational materials were disseminated to mental health clinicians including physicians and other allied health professionals either in-person or via tele-education through a provincial seniors' mental health network. Measures included: 1) a tele-education quality evaluation form, 2) a knowledge transfer questionnaire, 3) a knowledge translation-to-practice evaluation tool, and 4) a quality assurance questionnaire.

Results: A total of 74 mental health clinicians received the FoH education session. There was a highly significant (p < .0001) difference in clinicians' knowledge transfer questionnaire scores pre- and post-educational session. At a two-month follow-up, 19 (25.7%) participants completed a quality assurance questionnaire, with all 19 (100%) of respondents stating they would positively recommend the FoH information to colleagues and patients. Eleven (20.4%) translation-to-practice forms were also collected at this interval, tracking clinician use of the educational materials.

Conclusions: The use of a formalized network for knowledge transfer allows for education and evaluation of health-care practitioners in both acquisition of practical knowledge and subsequent clinical behavior change.

Keywords: knowledge transfer; mental health promotion; seniors; translation psychiatry.