PbMnTeO6, a new noncentrosymmetric layered magnetic oxide was synthesized and characterized. The crystal structure is hexagonal, with space group P6̅2m (No. 189), and consists of edge-sharing (Mn(4+)/Te(6+))O6 trigonal prisms that form honeycomb-like two-dimensional layers with Pb(2+) ions between the layers. The structural difference between PbMnTeO6, with disordered/trigonal prisms of Mn(4+)/Te(6+), versus the similar chiral SrGeTeO6 (space group P312), with long-range order of Ge(4+) and Te(6+) in octahedral coordination, is attributed to a difference in the electronic effects of Ge(4+) and Mn(4+). Temperature-dependent second harmonic generation by PbMnTeO6 confirmed the noncentrosymmetric character between 12 and 873 K. Magnetic measurements indicated antiferromagnetic order at T(N) ≈ 20 K and a frustration parameter (|θ|/T(N)) of ∼2.16.