The sequencing of hundreds of thousands of human exomes and hundreds of thousands of whole genomes is providing a progressively accurate and complete catalogue of human genetic variation. The initial studies to use genome wide data to help understand platelet disorders performed genome wide association studies to identify loci linked to variations in blood cell parameters. These studies used normal variation to find corresponding genetic variation. We next wished to investigate the genetic basis of bleeding disorders which may also provide a key to novel genes regulating platelet and haemostatic functions. The BRIDGE consortium ( is funded by the NIHR and brings together 13 rare disease gene discovery projects. The aim of these projects is to investigate as yet undiagnosed rare inherited diseases and identify the underlying mutational basis. We have used a cluster analysis based on the Human Phenotype Ontology in combination with next generation sequencing techniques to help identify patients with similar phenotypes which we hypothesise will arise from defects in the same gene. Preliminary results validate the clustering approach and have also resulted in a number of novel genes important for normal and pathogenic platelet physiology.
Keywords: Genome.