Together with recently advanced MRI technological capability, new needs and updated questions are emerging in imaging research in multiple sclerosis (MS), especially with respect to the identification of novel in vivo biomarkers of MS-relevant pathological processes. Expected benefits will involve approaches to diagnosis and clinical classification. In detail, three main points of discussion are addressed in this review: (1) new imaging biomarkers (centrifugal/centripetal lesion enhancement, central vein, paramagnetic rims at the lesion edge, subpial cortical demyelination); (2) thinking about high-resolution MR from a pathological perspective (from postmortem to in vivo staging); and (3) the clinical utility of quantitative MRI. In this context, research efforts should increasingly be focused on the direct in vivo visualization of "hidden" inflammation, beyond what can be detected with conventional gadolinium-based methods, as well as remyelination and repair, since these are likely to represent critical pathological processes and potential therapeutic targets. Concluding remarks concern the limitations, challenges, and ultimately clinical role of non-conventional MRI techniques.
Keywords: Biomarkers; Multiple sclerosis; Neuroimaging.