Studies directly related to light environments within a leaf, conduced mainly in the past one-third century, are reviewed. In particular, studies that revealed the profiles of light absorption and photosynthetic capacity are highlighted. Progress in this research field has been accelerated by devising innovative techniques. Roles of the main photosynthetic tissues, the palisade and spongy tissues, as the light guide and diffuser, respectively, are discussed. When the leaf is illuminated with diffuse light, light is absorbed more by the chloroplasts located near the illuminated surface. The meanings of the occupation of the mesophyll surfaces facing the intercellular spaces by chloroplasts and chloroplast movement are also discussed. The discrepancy between the light absorption profile and that of photosynthetic capacity is examined most intensively.
Keywords: Chloroplast movement; Diffuse light; Fluorescence; Palisade tissue; Photosynthesis; Spongy tissue.