Currently used on F-16 fighter jets and some space shuttles, hydrazine could be released at toxic levels to humans as a result of an accidental leakage or spill. Lower-level exposures occur in industrial workers or as a result of the use of some pharmaceuticals. A method was developed for the quantitation of hydrazine in human urine and can be extended by dilution with water to cover at least six orders of magnitude, allowing measurement at all clinically significant levels of potential exposure. Urine samples were processed by isotope dilution, filtered, derivatized and then quantified by HPLC-MS-MS. The analytical response ratio was linearly proportional to the urine concentration of hydrazine from 0.0493 to 12.3 ng/mL, with an average correlation coefficientRof 0.9985. Inter-run accuracy for 21 runs, expressed as percent relative error (% RE), was ≤14%, and the corresponding precision, expressed as percent relative standard deviation (% RSD), was ≤15%. Because this method can provide a quantitative measurement of clinical samples over six orders of magnitude, it can be used to monitor trace amounts of hydrazine exposure as well as industrial and environmental exposure levels.
Published by Oxford University Press 2016. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.