Timely and reliable detection of viruses is of key importance in early diagnosis of infection(s) following allogeneic HSCT. Among the immunocompetent, infections with BKPyV and JCPyV are mostly subclinical, while post-HSCT, the former may cause HC and the latter PML. The epidemiology and clinical impact of the newly identified KIPyV, WUPyV, MCPyV, and TSPyV in this context remain to be defined. To assess the incidence and clinical impact of BKPyV, JCPyV, KIPyV, WUPyV, MCPyV, and TSPyV infections, we performed longitudinal molecular surveillance for DNAemias of these HPyVs among 53 pediatric HSCT recipients. Surveillance pre-HSCT and for three months post-HSCT revealed BKPyV DNAemia in 20 (38%) patients. Our data demonstrate frequent BKPyV DNAemia among pediatric patients with HSCT and the confinement of clinical symptoms to high copy numbers alone. MCPyV and JCPyV viremias occurred at low and TSPyV viremia at very low prevalences. KIPyV or WUPyV viremias were not demonstrable in this group of immunocompromised patients.
Keywords: childhood; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; hemorrhagic cystitis; polyomavirus.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.