Introduction: It is not known whether there is a specific training method that improves the accuracy of physician interpretations of pre-participation electrocardiograms (ECGs).
Methods: Participants took an online test and interpreted a series of normal, normal variant and abnormal ECGs. They then reviewed the BMJ's ECG interpretation online learning module and completed a post-test and a follow-up examination three months later.
Results: 28 fellows enrolled. The average correct for the pre-test was 63.57%, which increased to 81.19% for the post-test (p≤0.0001). When evaluating for retention, the average fell to 73.33% (p=0.0116) but was still significantly improved from baseline (p=0.0253).
Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the accuracy of fellows' interpretation of ECGs significantly improved after completion of BMJ modules. Results of this study will likely impact the training of future sports medicine fellows and should encourage fellowship directors to incorporate the BMJ's ECG interpretation module as part of their curriculum.
Keywords: Interpretation of electrocardiograms; Pre-participation screening; Sudden cardiac death.
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