Objectives: To test the efficacy of a computerized, group-based HIV and intimate partner violence (IPV) intervention on reducing IPV victimization among substance-using women mandated to community corrections.
Methods: Between November 2009 and January 2012, we randomly allocated 306 women from community corrections in New York City to 3 study arms of a computerized HIV and IPV prevention trial: (1) 4 group sessions intervention with computerized self-paced IPV prevention modules (Computerized Women on the Road to Health [WORTH]), (2) traditional HIV and IPV prevention intervention group covering the same HIV and IPV content as Computerized WORTH without computers (Traditional WORTH), and (3) a Wellness Promotion control group. Primary outcomes were physical, injurious, and sexual IPV victimization in the previous 6 months at 12-month follow-up.
Results: Computerized WORTH participants reported significantly lower risk of physical IPV victimization, severe injurious IPV victimization, and severe sexual IPV victimization at 12-month follow-up when compared with control participants. No significant differences were seen between Traditional WORTH and control participants for any IPV outcomes.
Conclusions: The efficacy of Computerized WORTH across multiple IPV outcomes highlights the promise of integrating computerized, self-paced IPV prevention modules in HIV prevention groups.