Objectives: It is a big challenge to diagnose the motives behind trepanations in prehistoric crania. Surgical-therapeutic attempts may be apparent by the presence of fractures, however, ritual or nonmedical motives are rarely supported by visible evidence in the bones. This article presents data on the trepanations of several individuals from South Russia dating to the Eneolitic and Bronze Age that may indicate a ritual procedure. In these crania an operation was performed in the identical location, the midline, furthermore in one of the most dangerous places, on the obelion. No evidence for traumatic or other pathological reasons for performing the operations was observable.
Material and methods: Investigations of two nearby areas of South Russia revealed 13 individuals showing complete perforations in the midline of the cranium. Another one, displaying a depression in the same place, primarily diagnosed as an incomplete trepanation, is discussed considering all differential diagnoses. The trepanations were investigated macroscopically, by plain radiography and computed tomography. The lesions were described in detail, including data on technique, position, size, shape, state of healing, and complications.
Results: Males and females received the operation between the age of 10 years and mature/senile age. Only grooving and scraping techniques were used and their application differed between sexes. The majority of the patients survived the intervention for a long time.
Discussion: The region of Southern Russia seems to be a center for special trepanations performed by skilled surgeons, the specific position of the perforations implying more a ritual than therapeutic reason for trepanning. Am J Phys Anthropol 160:665-682, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords: Bronze age; Eneolithic; caucasus; pseudo-trepanation; ritual.
© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.