Recently, the venues of exposure to nanoparticles have increased significantly owing to their increased deliberate production. In this study the interaction of fullerenes with DNA was analyzed along with various factors affecting this interaction like mol. wt. of fullerenes (C20 to C180), the form of DNA i.e., A, B and Z, and sequences of DNA, and was compared with the DNA binding of CNTs. Increase in the molecular weight of the fullerene showed increase in the binding score with A & B-form of DNA, but no regular affect was seen on binding with Z-form of DNA. Although the binding of all fullerenes was best with A form. While CNTs bind with all forms of DNA, but best scores were with B form, which were comparable with those of fullerene C80 and C84 with A form. The interaction of both fullerenes and CNTs were not affected by the sequence of DNA. The number of interacting base pairs increased from 1 base-pair to 4, as the molecular size of fullerene increases in all A & B-and Z form of DNA. Whereas CNTs interact with 5 bases in A and B form, and 3 bases in Z form. The groove where binding occurs depended on the form of DNA. Smaller (< C48) fullerenes bind in minor groove of B-DNA, and larger fullerenes bind in major groove. While in A form of DNA, fullerenes of all sizes bind in major groove. The binding was random and not size dependent in Z form of DNA. Whereas, CNTs bind to major groove of DNA in a parallel fashion in A and B form of DNA, and in minor groove attached perpendicularly in Z form.