Studies were made on the pathological lesions and biochemical indices of the livers of 22 patients in whom normal hemodynamics was maintained for 0-48 days after brain death by administration of vasopressin and epinephrine. Thirty-one specimens of liver tissues were obtained by percutaneous biopsy or at autopsy. The degrees of central venous congestion, central fibrosis, focal fibrosis, fatty metamorphosis, piecemeal necrosis, periportal fibrosis, and intrahepatic cholangitis in livers on various days after brain death were compared with those on the day of brain death (day 0). Central venous congestion was extensive on days 0-4, significantly less on days 5-14, and then again extensive on days 15-48. Central fibrosis and focal fibrosis showed no remarkable change during the 48-day period. Fatty metamorphosis, piecemeal necrosis, and periportal fibrosis showed no significant changes until day 16, but spread extensively on days 40-48. Intrahepatic cholangitis was scarcely observed on day 0 but began to increase after day 3, and spread extensively after day 5. The level of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase did not increase in most patients until day 15. The mean value of prothrombin activity also did not decrease until day 15. However, the mean value of serum alkaline phosphatase increased gradually after day 3, and was correlated with cholangitis. The present study showed that during prolonged hemodynamic maintenance of brain-dead patients, pathological lesions did not spread or diminished and that biochemical indices did not become worse, or improved, in the first 2 weeks, except for increases in cholangitis and the serum alkaline phosphatase level.