As the use of oral chemotherapy continues to rise, new approaches are needed to ensure patient safety. To help address this issue, the American Society of Clinical Oncology/Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Chemotherapy Administration Safety Standards were expanded in 2013 to include additional measures addressing oral anticancer drugs (OACs). Because minimal data assessing the application of these standards exist, ONS conducted an independent survey of oncology nurses to evaluate the application of these standards in practice as they relate to several areas of OAC use: assessment, consent, patient education, drug verification, and monitoring. The data revealed that, although the standards are followed in many settings, a large number of settings do not have processes in place to support safety standards and ensure patient safety when administering OACs. Information gained in this informal survey can be used to guide additional research and educational initiatives.
Keywords: chemotherapy; chemotherapy safety; chemotherapy standards; oncology nursing; oral anticancer therapy; oral chemotherapy.