Forced Complementation between Subgenomic RNAs: Does Human Immunodeficiency Type 1 Virus Reverse Transcription Occur in Viral Core, Cytoplasm, or Early Endosome?

J AIDS Immune Res. 2015;1(1):101. Epub 2015 Mar 2.


Although the process of reverse transcription is well elucidated, it remains unclear if viral core disruption provides a more cellular or viral milieu for HIV-1 reverse transcription. We have devised a method to require mixing of viral cores or core constituents to produce infectious progeny virus by a bipartite subgenomic RNA (sgRNA) system, in which HIV-1 cplt_R/U5/gag/Δpol and nfl sgRNAs are complementary to each other and when together can complete viral reverse transcription. Only the heterodiploid virus containing both the nfl and cplt_R/U5/gag/Δpol sgRNAs can complete reverse transcription and propagate infectious virus upon de novo infection. Dual exposure of U87.CD4.CXCR4 cells with high titers of the homodimeric nfl and cplt_R/U5/gag/Δpol virus particles did not result in productive virus infection. On the other hand, in early endosomes, the HIV-1 sgRNAs released from viral cores can retain function and complete the reverse transcription and result in productive infection. These findings confirm the assumptions that, in natural infection, HIV-1 cores, and likely other retrovirus cores, remain largely intact and do not mix/fuse in the cytoplasm during the reverse transcription process, and circulating cytoplasmic HIV-1 sgRNA (produced through transfection) could not help the complementary sgRNA in the viral core to complement the reverse transcription process.

Keywords: Human Immunodeficiency Type 1Virus; Reverse transcription; Subgenomic RNAs.