The retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been used to study the localization and the number of neurons innervating the heart in the right stellate ganglion and accessory cervical ganglion, spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia of the cat. HRP was applied to the central cuts of anastomose of the stellate ganglion with the vagal nerve, of the vagosympathetic trunk caudal to anastomose and of the inferior cardiac nerve. HRP-labelled neurons were detected in the stellate ganglion in the regions which give off nerves, whereas in the accessory cervical ganglion labelled neurons were distributed throughout the whole ganglion. HRP-stained cells were found in the anastomose. In the spinal cord labelled neurons were detected in the lateral horn of T1-T5 segments. In the dorsal root ganglion the greatest number of neurons was observed in T2-T4 segments.