A 90-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of a high-grade fever and appetite loss. On computed tomography scan, a huge cystic lesion about 10 cm in diameter was observed in the pelvic cavity, attached to the vagina and the neck of uterus. Pyometra was strongly suspected; however, a probe could not be inserted into the opening of the uterus because of atrophic changes. Therefore, we decided to perform endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided drainage of the pyometra using the transrectal route. Foul-smelling yellow-brown pus was aspirated. A guide-wire was inserted and a 7 Fr catheter was inserted into the pyometra through an external fistula. We thus completed the treatment of pyometra without surgical resection.
Keywords: Drainage; Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration; Interventional endoscopic ultrasound; Pyometra.