Although adhering to regular screenings can improve timely diagnosis and survivorship, Latinas continue to exhibit the lowest breast and cervical cancer screening rates in the country. Initiatives have generally addressed extrinsic factors to combat disparities. However, the answer to increasing screening adherence among Latina women might lie in equally addressing intrinsic factors as well extrinsic factors. Social Cognitive Theory provided the foundation for the design of Esperanza y Vida, a culturally tailored outreach program that educated Latinas on breast and cervical cancer. Non-adherent participants were offered navigation and followed-up to reassess screening behavior. The objective of this manuscript is to outline the salient culture-related intrinsic factors reported by a sample of Latina women from New York and Arkansas in response to open-ended questions asked at 8 months post-educational intervention and navigation services. In turn, the findings are incorporated in an effort to recommend future steps for effective interventions. Content analysis was used to guide the qualitative data analysis. The most salient barriers reported were related to Systems, Organization and Logistics, Time, being Decidedly Unscreened, and Contrary Beliefs or Confusion.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Cancer screenings; Cervical cancer; Latinas; Qualitative analysis.