Background: Despite colorectal cancer (CRC) screening and survival rates exceeding national averages in the United States, Kaiser Permanente Southern California (KPSC) aimed to identify system-level improvement opportunities to further reduce mortality from CRC.
Methods: To examine modifiable factors contributing to CRC mortality, a structured hybrid electronic/manual mor- tality review was used to examine 50 randomly selected cases among 524 individuals aged 25-75 years diagnosed with stage II, III, or IV CRC after July 2008 who subsequently died. Physicians conducted chart reviews using a standardized data extraction tool based on evidence-based best practices.
Results: Eighty-six percent (43) of the 50 decedents were initially diagnosed with stage III or IV CRC; two cases of appendiceal cancer were excluded. Thirty-one percent (15) of the remaining 48 cases presented with no history of screening; 15% (7) had documented iron deficiency anemia and abdominal pain or rectal bleeding; and 6% (3) had no follow-up colonoscopy after positive screening. Eleven (52%) of the 21 patients with initial stage II-III CRC received appropriate surveillance after curative surgery; 57% (12) developed metastases. Adjuvant chemotherapy was offered to 88% (14/16) of patients with stage III (node-positive) CRC; chemotherapy initiation was delayed in 6 patients. Missed opportunities for surgical oncology evaluation occurred among 61% (11/18) of patients with liver metastases at diagnosis. Failure to report clinically significant features on pathology occurred in 2 patients; they received appropriate treatment for other reasons.
Conclusions: Improvement opportunities existed at multiple stages of care, including screening, evaluation of symp toms, timeliness of care, use of adjuvant chemotherapy, and surgical oncology practices.