First Tests of (6) Li Doped Glass Scintillators for Ultracold Neutron Detection

J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2005 Jun 1;110(3):283-8. doi: 10.6028/jres.110.040. eCollection 2005.


We report the results of test measurements aimed at determining the performances of (6)Li doped glass scintillators for the detection of ultra-cold neutrons. Four types of scintillators, GS1, GS3, GS10 and GS20, which differ by their (6)Li concentrations, have been tested. The signal to background separation is fully acceptable. The relative detection efficiencies have been determined as a function of the neutron velocity. We find that GS10 has a higher efficiency than the others for the detection of neutrons with velocities below 7 m/s. Two pieces of scintillators have been irradiated with a high flux of cold neutrons to test the radiation hardness of the glasses. No reduction in the pulse height has been observed up to an absorbed neutron dose of 1 × 10(13) cm(-3).

Keywords: UCN detectors; glass scintillators.