Background: The limited spatial resolution of the clinical PET scanners results in image blurring and does not allow for accurate quantification of very thin or small structures (known as partial volume effect). In cardiac imaging, clinically relevant questions, e.g. to accurately define the extent or the residual metabolic activity of scarred myocardial tissue, could benefit from partial volume correction (PVC) techniques. The use of high-resolution anatomical information for improved reconstruction of the PET datasets has been successfully applied in other anatomical regions. However, several concerns linked to the use of any kind of anatomical information for PVC on cardiac datasets arise. The moving nature of the heart, coupled with the possibly non-simultaneous acquisition of the anatomical and the activity datasets, is likely to introduce discrepancies between the PET and the anatomical image, that in turn might mislead lesion quantification and detection. Non-anatomical (edge-preserving) priors could represent a viable alternative for PVC in this case. In this work, we investigate and compare the regularizing effect of different anatomical and non-anatomical priors applied during maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) reconstruction of cardiac PET datasets. The focus of this paper is on accurate quantification and lesion detection in myocardial (18)F-FDG PET.
Methods: Simulated datasets, obtained with the XCAT software, are reconstructed with different algorithms and are quantitatively analysed.
Results: The results of this simulation study show a superiority of the anatomical prior when an ideal, perfectly matching anatomy is used. The anatomical information must clearly differentiate between normal and scarred myocardial tissue for the PVC to be successful. In case of mismatched or missing anatomical information, the quality of the anatomy-based MAP reconstructions decreases, affecting both overall image quality and lesion quantification. The edge-preserving priors produce reconstructions with good noise properties and recovery of activity, with the advantage of not relying on an external, additional scan for anatomy.
Conclusions: The performance of edge-preserving priors is acceptable but inferior to those of a well-applied anatomical prior that differentiates between lesion and normal tissue, in the detection and quantification of a lesion in the reconstructed images. When considering bull's eye plots, all of the tested MAP algorithms produced comparable results.
Keywords: Anatomical priors; Cardiac 18F-FDG PET; Edge-preserving priors; MAP reconstruction.