A 7-year-old, 17-kg child with chronic granulomatous disease and nocardial pneumonia and osteomyelitis did not respond to antibiotic therapy and developed multiple red cell (RBC) alloantibodies (anti-c, -E, and -Jka). To provide daily granulocyte concentrates, a method was devised to reduce the number of incompatible RBCs per transfusion. Leukapheresis was done with hydroxyethyl starch, and the apheresis product was allowed to sediment by gravity in a plasma expressor for 90 minutes. The leukocyte-rich plasma was separated from the sedimented RBCs by transfer to a satellite bag, and the volume of the product was reduced by centrifugation to approximately 80 ml. RBC content was reduced from 29 +/- 7 to 2.5 +/- 1.0 ml (n = 22, p less than 0.01) and was accompanied by a 70 percent recovery of white cells (range, 49-90%). The final product contained 1.6 +/- 1.0 X 10(10) granulocytes. There were no clinical or laboratory signs of hemolysis during the course of 46 granulocyte transfusions, 37 of which were derived from c-, E-, or Jka-positive donors. The size of most apheresis donor pools is insufficient to provide phenotypically matched granulocyte concentrates daily for patients with RBC alloimmunization. The rapid, simple method described here may allow daily therapy with mismatched concentrates to be administered safely to such patients.