Although endovenous heat-induced thrombosis (EHIT) is frequently reported after endovenous laser ablation (EVLA), the incidence and timing of occurrence of EHIT are not fully understood. We present a case of EHIT successfully treated with a combination of surgical and endovascular treatments. A 57-year-old woman, two months post bilateral EVLA, presented with a swollen leg. Deep vein thrombosis was diagnosed by Doppler ultrasonography and computerized tomographic venography. We treated the patient with catheter-directed thrombolysis with urokinase after insertion of an inferior vena cava filter. After thrombolytic treatment, we performed surgical venous thrombectomy, due to the presence of a large thrombus in the femoral vein. During the operation, we found organized old thrombus at the great saphenous vein which connected to the deep femoral vein. From these findings, we confirmed the presence of EHIT despite a long time having passed after EVLA. The patient was placed on anticoagulation therapy with oral rivaroxaban for three months.
Keywords: Catheter ablation; Laser therapy; Venous thrombosis.