Background: Chemotherapy-induced liver injury after potent chemotherapy is a considerable problem in patients undergoing liver resection. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the fractal dimension (FD) of Tc-99m diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) galactosyl human serum albumin (GSA) and pathologic change of liver parenchyma in liver cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy.
Methods: We examined 34 patients (10 female and 24 male; mean age, 68.5 years) who underwent hepatectomy. Hepatic injury was defined as steatosis more than 30 %, grade 2-3 sinusoidal dilation, and/or steatohepatitis Kleiner score ≥4. Fractal analysis was applied to all images of Tc-99m DTPA GSA using a plug-in tool on ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD). A differential box-counting method was applied, and FD was calculated as a heterogeneity parameter. Correlations between FD and clinicopathological variables were examined.
Results: FD values of patients with steatosis and steatohepatitis were significantly higher than those without (P > .001 and P > .001, respectively). There was no difference between the FD values of patients with and without sinusoidal dilatation (P = .357). Multivariate logistic regression showed FD as the only significant predictor for steatosis (P = .005; OR 36.5; 95 % CI 3.0-446.3) and steatohepatitis (P = .012; OR, 29.1; 95 % CI 2.1-400.1).
Conclusions: FD of Tc-99m DTPA GSA was the significant predictor for fatty liver disease in patients who underwent chemotherapy. This new modality is able to differentiate steatohepatitis from steatosis; therefore, it may be useful for predicting chemotherapy-induced pathologic liver injury.