The cell kinetics of twenty-two acute myeloid leukemias (AML) were investigated by means of flow cytometry evaluating the S-phase DNA content, bromodeoxyuridine labelling index (BrdUrd L.I.) and Ki-67 antigen expression. Eight patients showed a good correlation between the DNA content and BrdUrd L.I., while nine gave rise to divergent results. In the remaining five patients the S-phase DNA content could not be evaluated due to the presence of an additional aneuploid population. The Ki-67 antigen expression defined the extent of the growth fraction in all cases and allowed for better characterization of the cell cycle. These results suggest that the three methods explore only partly overlapping events; thus, it seems that a reliable picture of the cell kinetics in leukemic populations can only be achieved by combining all these methods.
Keywords: Cell cycle; DNA; Ki-67; bromodeoxyuridine acute myeloid leukemia; cytofluorimetry.