Gene expression profiling is a useful approach for deeper understanding of the specificity of cells, tissues, and organs in the transcriptional level. Recent development of high-throughput next-generation sequence (NGS) allows the RNA-seq method for this profiling. This method provides precise information of transcripts about the quantitation and the structure such as the splicing variants. In this chapter, we describe a method for gene expression profiling of GFP-positive cells from transgenic zebrafish by RNA-seq. We labeled specific cells in the brain with GFP by crossing a Gal4 driver line with the UAS:GFP line, isolated those cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and analyzed by RNA-seq.
Keywords: Enhancer trap; FACS; GFP; Gal4-UAS system; Gene expression analysis; Gene trap; Next-generation sequence; RNA extract; RNA-seq; Tol2 transgenesis.