1. A group of 14 fluctuating Parkinsonian patients underwent the subcutaneous Lisuride treatment, administered by an insulin delivery pump. Clinical response has been studied during a one year period. 2. Some patients (8 out of 14) were in combined therapy, assuming a relative small amount of oral L-Dopa together with subcutaneous Lisuride. 3. Lisuride confirmed, also by the subcutaneous route, its antiparkinsonian properties, without any loss of therapeutical efficacy during the 12 month period considered. 4. 7 patients dropped-out from the study, due to psychiatric or systemic side-effects and to "technical" management of the pump. 5. The only 2 patients assuming a 24 hour regimen of Lisuride infusion were among the withdrawn subjects. They were also the only to complain severe psychiatric disturbances.