A tuning-free procedure is proposed to estimate the covariate-adjusted Gaussian graphical model. For each finite subgraph, this estimator is asymptotically normal and efficient. As a consequence, a confidence interval can be obtained for each edge. The procedure enjoys easy implementation and efficient computation through parallel estimation on subgraphs or edges. We further apply the asymptotic normality result to perform support recovery through edge-wise adaptive thresholding. This support recovery procedure is called ANTAC, standing for Asymptotically Normal estimation with Thresholding after Adjusting Covariates. ANTAC outperforms other methodologies in the literature in a range of simulation studies. We apply ANTAC to identify gene-gene interactions using an eQTL dataset. Our result achieves better interpretability and accuracy in comparison with CAMPE.
Keywords: Gene regulatory network; High-dimensional statistics; Precision matrix estimation; Sparsity; Support recovery; eQTL.