Introduction: Fat can be perceived through mouthfeel, odour and taste, but the influence of these modalities on fat perception remains undefined. Fatty acids are stimuli and individual sensitivity to fatty acids varies. Studies show association between fatty acid sensitivity, dietary intake and BMI, but results are conflicting. Therefore, this study examined this association, and the effect of modalities on fat perception.
Methods: Two sub-studies were conducted. In study 1 (n = 46), fat intensity was assessed by milk/cream mixtures varying by five fat levels. Fat intensity was rated under four conditions: mouthfeel odour-masked, mouthfeel-masked, odour masked and with no masking. Mouthfeel masking was achieved using thickener and paraffin, odour masking using nose-clips. Fatty acid sensitivity was measured by 3-AFC staircase method using milk containing oleic acid (0.31-31.4 mM). In study 2 (n = 51), more fat levels were added into the intensity rating. A 2-AFC discrimination test was used to confirm whether fat levels could be distinguished. In the sensitivity test, a wider range of oleic acid was included.
Results: Fat intensity was rated higher without nose clips (p < 0.0001), implying that odour increased fat perception. Mouthfeel-masked samples were rated higher, showing that increased viscosity and lubricity enhanced fat perception (p < 0.0001). Participants could distinguish fat levels based on "taste" in rating tests and 2-AFC tests. Participants were divided into high-/medium-/low-sensitivity groups. No significant difference was found in fat intensity between groups; however, the high-sensitivity group discriminated more fat levels. No association between sensitivity groups, nutrient intake or BMI was found.
Conclusion: Mouthfeel and odour can enhance fat perception. Fat level can be discriminated based on taste.
Keywords: Detection threshold; Fat intake; Fat perception; Fatty acid sensitivity; Taste.