Efficient laser operation based on transparent Nd:Lu2O3 ceramic fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering

Opt Express. 2016 Sep 5;24(18):20571-9. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.020571.


Efficient laser operation of Nd:Lu2O3 ceramic fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) was demonstrated. Transparent Nd:Lu2O3 ceramic was successfully fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering and its laser experiment was done. On the 4F3/2 to 4I11/2 transition, the obtained maximum output is 1.25W at the absorbed pump power of 4.15W with a slope efficiency of 38% and two spectral lines at 1076.7nm and 1080.8nm oscillated simultaneously. The slope efficiency of 38% is near two times higher than the previously demonstrated SPSed Nd:Lu2O3 ceramic lasers. On the 4F3/2 to 4I13/2 transition, the laser operated at the wavelength of 1359.7nm and the maximum output of 200mW was obtained at the absorbed pump power of 2.7W.