Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were quantified in 18 surface sediment samples, 1 sediment core, and several mangrove tissue samples collected in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico in September 2013. Total PCBs in surface sediments ranged from 0.42 to 1232ngg-1 dw. Generally, higher levels were observed near-shore close to urban and industrial areas. The levels suggest significant pollution in Jobos Bay with respect to PCBs. Two-thirds of the sites were dominated by lighter PCB congeners (tri- to penta-chlorinated PCBs) while one-third had heavy PCB congeners (hexa- to octa-chlorinated PCBs) dominant. Total PCBs in a sediment core indicated levels fluctuating according to historical usage patterns. Total PCBs were measured in mangal leaves (14-747ngg-1 dw), roots (0.26-120ngg-1 dw), and seeds (16-93ngg-1 dw), suggesting bioaccumulation from sediments. This is the first report of a historical profile of PCBs in the study area and of PCB bioaccumulation in mangroves. This article provides new and useful information on PCBs in the Caribbean area of the GRULAC region.
Keywords: Jobos Bay; Mangrove tissue; PCBs; Puerto Rico; Sediment core; Surface sediments.
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