[Fingolimod: effectiveness and safety in routine clinical practice. An observational, retrospective, multi-centre study in Galicia]

Rev Neurol. 2016 Sep 5;63(s01):S13-S18.
[Article in Spanish]


Introduction: The effectiveness and safety of fingolimod in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) have been proven in clinical trials. Yet, due to their limitations, it is important to know how it behaves under everyday clinical practice conditions. Hence, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of fingolimod after 12 months' usage in clinical practice in Galicia.

Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective, multi-centre study (n = 8) of patients with RRMS who were treated with one or more doses of fingolimod, 0.5 mg/day. Effectiveness was assessed -annualised relapse rate (ARR), changes in the score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), percentage of patients free from relapses, free from progression of disability and free from activity in resonance- for the total number of patients and according to previous treatment. Safety was assessed based on the percentage of patients who withdrew and presented adverse side effects.

Results: After 12 months' use, fingolimod reduced the ARR by 87% (1.7 to 0.23; p < 0.0001) and, consequently, 81% of patients were free from relapses. The score was reduced by 9%. In all, 91% of patients were free from progression of disability and 72% were free from resonance activity. No signs of disease activity were found in 43% of the patients. Most of the benefits of fingolimod differed depending on previous treatment. About a third of the patients reported adverse side effects, but only 2% of them withdrew for this reason.

Conclusions: In clinical practice, most of the results on the effectiveness of the clinical trials conducted with fingolimod were observed during the first 12 months of treatment. A better safety profile was observed than that reported in the clinical trials.

Title: Fingolimod: efectividad y seguridad en la practica clinica habitual. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y multicentrico en Galicia.

Introduccion. La efectividad y seguridad del fingolimod en pacientes con esclerosis multiple remitente recurrente (EMRR) se demostro en ensayos clinicos. Sin embargo, por las limitaciones de estos, es importante saber como se comporta en condiciones de practica clinica habitual. Asi, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la efectividad y seguridad del fingolimod despues de 12 meses de uso en la practica clinica en Galicia. Pacientes y metodos. Estudio retrospectivo y multicentrico (n = 8) de pacientes con EMRR y tratados con una o mas dosis de fingolimod, 0,5 mg/dia. Se evaluo la efectividad –tasa anualizada de brotes (TAB), cambio en la puntuacion de la escala expandida del estado de discapacidad (EDSS), porcentaje de pacientes libres de brotes, libres de progresion de discapacidad y libres de actividad en resonancia– para el total de pacientes y segun tratamiento previo. Se evaluo la seguridad a partir del porcentaje de pacientes que discontinuaron y que presentaron efectos adversos. Resultados. Despues de 12 meses de uso, el fingolimod redujo un 87% la TAB (de 1,7 a 0,23; p < 0,0001) y, en consecuencia, un 81% de pacientes estuvo libre de brotes. La puntuacion de la EDSS disminuyo un 9%. Un 91% de pacientes estuvo libre de progresion de discapacidad y un 72%, libre de actividad en resonancia. En el 43% de los pacientes no se evidenciaron signos de la actividad de la enfermedad. La mayoria de los beneficios del fingolimod difirieron segun el tratamiento previo. Alrededor de un tercio de los pacientes comunicaron efectos adversos, pero solo el 2% discontinuo debido a ellos. Conclusiones. La mayoria de los resultados de efectividad de los ensayos clinicos del fingolimod se observa durante los 12 primeros meses de tratamiento en la practica clinica. Se observo un mejor perfil de seguridad al comunicado en los ensayos clinicos.

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  • Clinical Conference
  • English Abstract