Nocardiosis is a rare bacterial infection of either the lungs (pulmonary) or body (systemic) that usually affects immunocompromised individuals. It is caused by Gram-positive, aerobic actinomycetes of the Nocardia genus. Multiple high-density sheet shadows in both lungs along with nodules or cavities are the most common presentations of nocardiosis, whereas a large pulmonary mass is considered to be rare. However, there is no specificity in the clinical manifestation of the disease. Therefore, isolation and identification of Nocardia strains is the only reliable diagnostic method. The present study describes the cases of two male patients of Asian descent with nocardiosis. Chest computed tomography scans showed a suspected tumor mass in both patients. Microscopic analysis and culturing of tissue samples obtained using a bronchoscope detected the presence of Nocardia wallacei. Neither patient showed signs of immunosuppression. The present study aimed to improve the understanding of lung nocardiosis and demonstrated that pulmonary nocardiosis should be suspected in the case of non-immunocompromised patients with a large mass in the lung. Furthermore, a review of the literature on infection with Nocardia was conducted.
Keywords: clinical manifestation; nocardia; opportunistic infection; pulmonary nocardiosis.