Amphibians and plant-protection products: what research and action is needed?

Environ Sci Eur. 2016;28(1):17. doi: 10.1186/s12302-016-0085-6. Epub 2016 May 17.


Background: The majority of Swiss amphibians are threatened. There is a range of factors which have been discussed as possible causes for their decline, including plant protection products (PPPs).

Results: The influence of PPPs on amphibian populations has not yet been studied to any great extent, neither for active ingredients nor for the wetting agents, breakdown products or tank mixtures. A further topic of discussion was how to better protect amphibians by reducing their exposure to PPPs in agricultural fields.

Conclusion: Experts at a workshop concluded that further research is needed.

Keywords: Amphibians; Ecological risk assessment; Exposure; Pesticides; Toxicity; Workshop.