1 Dr. Vandenberg is an affiliate research associate, Dr. Stevens is an affiliate investigator, Dr. Echt is Atlanta site director for education and evaluation, Dr. Markland is a geriatrician and associate director for clinical programs, and Dr. Vaughan is a geriatrician and Atlanta site director for clinical programs, all at the Birmingham/Atlanta VA Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) in Georgia and Alabama. Dr. Hastings is a geriatrician at the Durham VAMC and an investigator at the Durham GRECC and the HSR&D Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care in North Carolina. Dr. Powers is associate director for clinical programs at the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System GRECC in Nashville. Dr. Hwang is an investigator and Dr. Hung is associate director for clinical programs at the James J. Peters VAMC GRECC in Bronx, New York. Dr. Belbis is a pharmacist at Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson, Arizona.
The Enhancing Quality of Prescribing Practices for Older Veterans Discharged From the Emergency Department (EQUiPPED) program aimed to reduce potentially inappropriate medication prescribing to older adults at 5 VAMCs.