In the present study, we explored the technology of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) for the proteome analysis of blood plasma of patients with early chronic cerebral ischemia. Analysis of mass-spectrometer data carried out in automatic mode using the software Progenesis LS-MS. As a result of this study identified 43 proteins. The differences identified in the study group compared with the control in 7 proteins. It was found that in the early stages of chronic cerebral ischemia proteome changes in blood plasma affect proteins related to the immune system, the system for the maintenance of hemostasis and lipid metabolism.
Metodom sravnitel'nogo proteomnogo analiza na baze tekhnologii tandemnoĭ zhidkostnoĭ khromato-mass- spektrometrii VÉZhKh-MS/MS issledovali belkovyĭ profil' plazmy krovi bol'nykh khronicheskoĭ tserebral'noĭ ishemieĭ. Analiz mass-spektrometricheskikh dannykh, provedennyĭ v avtomatizirovannom rezhime s ispol'zovaniem programmnogo obespecheniia Progenesis LS-MS, pozvolil identifitsirovat' 43 belka. Vyiavleny razlichiia v issleduemoĭ gruppe po sravneniiu s kontrolem po 7 belkam, otnosiashchimsia k immunnoĭ sisteme, sisteme podderzhaniia gemostaza i metabolizma lipidov.
Keywords: Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry; Orbitrap; blood plasma proteome; cerebral ischemia.