In hematopoietic transplantation, clinical patient care is localized and practices differ from one country to another and even from center to center. International guidelines are not always well adapted to the evolution of daily clinical practice, and they do not address all issues, especially practical ones. Therefore, in the absence of well-established guidelines, each center tends to make do by developing local procedures. In the attempt to harmonize localized clinical practices between different centers belonging to the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC), our society set up in 2010 what would become an annual workshop series, bringing together practitioners from all member centers. Each workshop group is responsible for discussing a specific issue and then drafting, in the form of an article, a set of guidelines that address the issue practically. With the aim of covering all practical issues and providing widely-usable guidelines when international consensus is lacking, the SFGM-TC has succeeded in establishing national guidelines by those who use them. So as to be easily localized by all centers, the guidelines are written in French. In this article, we set out the process by which the workshops are conducted and how the final guidelines produced are approved each year.
Keywords: Ateliers; Clinical practice; Harmonisation; Harmonization; Pratiques; Recommandations SFGM-TC; SFGM-TC guidelines; Workshops.
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