Pupose: Nestin and CD133 are regarded as putative markers of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and related to poor prognosis in various cancer sites. Since few studies have focused on their role in ovarian cancer, we aimed to investigate their predictive value and association with neoangiogenesis.
Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis for nestin and CD133 was performed on 85 serous ovarian carcinoma tumor samples using tissue microarray technique. Nestin immunoreactivity was detected in both tumor and endothelial cells, whilst CD133 was only identified in tumor cells. CD34 endothelial expression was used to assess intratumor microvessel density (MVD).
Results: Of the tissue samples 49.4% were nestin-positive and 24.7% were positive for CD133. In both univariate and multivariate analysis nestin or CD133 expressions in tumor cells were not significantly associated with clinicopathological parameters (age, serum CA125, peritoneal carcinomatosis, malignant ascites, tumor grade). However, in multivariate analysis nestin expression in tumor cells proved to be an independent prognostic factor, associated with poorer survival and time to progression (p=0.025 and p=0.05, respectively). This has not been achieved for CD133. Furthermore, a significant concordance between nestin endothelial expression (nestin-determined MVD) and CD34-determined MVD was achieved.
Conclusion: In addition to the well-known clinicopathological characteristics, tumor expression of nestin might be a valuable prognostic factor for survival in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. With regard to its endothelial expression, nestin might be as reliable as CD34 for quantifying tumor angiogenesis. Further investigation is justified in order to better clarify the role of these biomarkers.