History and clinical findings | A 59-year-old man with metastasized rectum cancer presents at the interdisciplinary emergency care unit with a distinct cyanosis of his face. At that moment the patient himself is out of any complaints. Cyanosis is spreading from his face over his neck to both arms. During the last months he has been treated with folinic acid, 5-fluoruracil, irinotecan and aflibercept via a port-catheter. Except for smoking his further medical history is unremarkable. Examinations | CT-scan shows a port-catheter associated thrombosis with a consecutive superior vena cava syndrome (SCVS). No signs of an acute pulmonary embolism or thoracic aortic aneurysm are detected. Treatment and course | Anticoagulation is started immediately. Due to a short loss of consciousness glucocorticoids and vasopressors are given. As cyanosis continued during next days, a transfemoral percutaneous angioplasty with stent placement was performed. Cyanosis disappears completely and the patient can be discharged. Conclusions | SCVS due to port-catheter associated thrombosis in tumor patients is rare but its prevalence will grow because of increasing numbers of tumor patients, intravenous catheter-systems and pacemakers. Early CT-scan with contrast agent via femoral venous catheter is reasonable for diagnosis and therapy. For tumor percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is a safe and effective option.
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