To assess the natural history of the immune defect in DiGeorge anomaly, we reviewed serial immunologic studies in 18 patients. The diagnosis was made with criteria based on the concept of the DiGeorge anomaly as a field defect. Initial or early follow-up laboratory examination suggested moderate to normal T cell function in 14 patients. None of these patients have lost T cell capability; they have never had infections characteristic of T cell deficiency. Four patients had clinical and laboratory evidence of profound immunodeficiency. A decreased number of CD4+ cells (less than 400/microliters) and a decrease in phytohemagglutinin responsiveness (stimulation index less than 10) may be useful in discriminating patients with immunodeficiency; absolute lymphocyte count and immunoglobulin values were not informative. At the time of surgery, the thymus was not found in 11 of 14 patients; however, only two of these patients had immunodeficiency. Patients with a persistently low number of CD4+ cells and decreased phytohemagglutinin response are candidates for immunologic reconstitution.