The Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française proposes a decision algorithm on long-term pharmacological COPD treatment. A working group reviewed the literature published between January 2009 and May 2016. This document lays out proposals and not guidelines. It only focuses on pharmacological treatments except vaccinations, smoking cessation treatments and oxygen therapy. Any COPD diagnosis, based on pulmonary function tests, should lead to recommend smoking cessation, vaccinations, physical activity, pulmonary rehabilitation in case of activity limitation, and short-acting bronchodilators. Symptoms like dyspnea and exacerbations determine the therapeutic choices. In case of daily dyspnea and/or exacerbations, a long-acting bronchodilator should be suggested (beta-2 agonist, LABA or anticholinergics, LAMA). A clinical and lung function reevaluation is suggested 1 to 3 months after any treatment modification and every 3-12 months according to the severity of the disease. In case of persisting dyspnea, a fixed dose LABA+LAMA combination improves pulmonary function (FEV1), quality of life, dyspnea and decreases exacerbations without increasing side effects. In case of frequent exacerbations and a FEV1≤70%, a fixed dose long-acting bronchodilator combination or a LABA+ inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) combination can be proposed. A triple combination (LABA+LAMA+ICS) is indicated when exacerbations persist despite one of these combinations. Dyspnea in spite of a bronchodilator combination or exacerbations in spite of a triple combination should lead to consider other pharmacological treatments (theophylline if dyspnea, macrolides if exacerbations, low-dose opioids if refractory dyspnea).
Keywords: Background therapeutics; Bronchodilatation; Bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Inhaled drug therapy; Optimisation thérapeutique; Therapeutic optimization; Thérapeutiques inhalés; Traitement de fond.
Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.