Modulation of T cell proliferation and function by immunoregulatory myeloid cells are an essential means of preventing self-reactivity and restoring tissue homeostasis. Consumption of amino acids such as arginine and tryptophan by immunoregulatory macrophages is one pathway that suppresses local T cell proliferation. Using a reduced complexity in vitro macrophage-T cell co-culture system, we show that macrophage arginase-1 is the only factor required by M2 macrophages to block T cells in G1, and this effect is mediated by l-arginine elimination rather than metabolite generation. Tracking how T cells adjust their metabolism when deprived of arginine revealed the significance of macrophage-mediated arginine deprivation to T cells. We found mTORC1 activity was unaffected in the initial G1 block. After 2 days of arginine deprivation, mTORC1 activity declined paralleling a selective down-regulation of SREBP target gene expression, whereas mRNAs involved in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and T cell activation were unaffected. Cell cycle arrest was reversible at any point by exogenous arginine, suggesting starved T cells remain poised awaiting nutrients. Arginine deprivation-induced cell cycle arrest was mediated in part by Rictor/mTORC2, providing evidence that this nutrient recognition pathway is a central component of how T cells measure environmental arginine.
Keywords: T cell; T helper cells; amino acid; arginine; cellular immune response; immune response; immunosuppression; mTOR complex (mTORC); macrophage.
© 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.