Objectives: Integrative medicine (IM) has been recognized and introduced into Western healthcare systems over the past two decades. Limited information on IM models is available to guide development of an optimal healthcare service. A scoping review was carried out to evaluate IM models in the extant literature, including the distinctive features of each model, to gain an understanding of the core requirements needed to develop models of IM that best meet the needs of patients.
Design: Directed content analysis was used to classify the IM models into systems based on coding schema developed from theoretical models and to identify the key concepts of each system.
Results: From 1374 articles identified, 45 studies were included. Models were categorized as theoretical and practical and were subdivided into five main models: coexistence, cooptative, cooperative, collaborative, and patient-centered care. They were then divided into three systems-independent, dependent, and integrative-on the basis of the level of involvement of general practitioners and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners. The theoretical coexistence and cooptative models have distinct roles for different health care professionals, whereas practical models tend to be ad hoc market-driven services, dependent on patient demand. The cooperative and collaborative models were team-based, with formalized interaction between the two medical paradigms of conventional medicine and CAM, with the practical models focusing on facilitating communication, behaviors, and relationships. The patient-centered care model recognized the philosophy of CAM and required collaboration between disciplines based around patient needs.
Conclusions: The focus of IM models has transferred from providers to patients with the independent and integrative systems. This may require a philosophical shift for IM. Further research is required to best understand how to practice patient-centered care in IM services.
Keywords: complementary and alternative medicine; coping review; integrative medicine; models of care.