Key components of the pretravel consultation include intake questions regarding the traveler's anticipated itinerary and medical history; immunizations; malaria prophylaxis; and personal protection measures against arthropod bites, traveler's diarrhea, and injury. Most vaccinations that are appropriate for international travelers are included in the routine domestic immunization schedule; only a few travel-specific vaccines must also be discussed. The most common vaccine-preventable illnesses in international travelers are influenza and hepatitis A. Malaria prophylaxis should be offered to travelers to endemic regions. Personal protection measures, such as applying an effective insect repellent to exposed skin and permethrin to clothing and using a permethrin-impregnated bed net, should be advised for travelers to the tropics. Clinicians should offer an antibiotic prescription that travelers can take with them in case of traveler's diarrhea. Additional topics to address during the pretravel consultation include the risk of injury from motor vehicle crashes and travel-specific risks such as altitude sickness, safe sex practices, and emergency medical evacuation insurance.