Molecular linkage tracing of HIV-1 transmission events in seroconcordant couples in Guangxi Province, Southeastern China

Springerplus. 2016 Nov 25;5(1):2015. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3578-2. eCollection 2016.


Background: Guangxi Province in Southeastern China has one of the highest HIV-1 infection and transmission rates in stable couples. However, the mode of transmission at the molecular level has seldom been reported amongst this group. It is important to investigate this issue to support the treatment-as-prevention approach and for efficient interventions.

Methods: HIV-1 subgenomic regions (1.2 kb of pol and a 660-bp env C2V5 fragment) were sequenced in 42 couples. A couple linkage assessment was performed by phylogenetic analysis of sequences and Bayesian analysis of genetic distances. A subset of pairs was selected for single-genome amplification.

Results: Thirty-five pairs (83.3 %, 35/42) were identified as linked, 3 pairs (7.1 %, 3/42) were identified as indeterminate, and 4 pairs (9.5 %) were identified as unlinked. The predominant intra-couple-transmitted HIV-1 subtype was CRF01_AE (80 %, 28/35). The median genetic distance of linked couples was 0.5 %.

Conclusion: The majority of HIV-1 transmission events in this study occurred within the partnership, and the predominant HIV-1 subtype was CRF01_AE. Further research on the mode of HIV transmission in other locations is needed.

Keywords: HIV-1 transmission; Phylogenetic analysis, Bayesian analysis; Seroconcordant couples; Serodiscordant couples.