Using the NBT-PBA test, we studied pancreatic exocrine function in two groups of patients: one group with acute pancreatitis of lithiasic origin that underwent cholecystectomy and other with pancreatitis of alcoholic origin. The test was performed at the time of the acute picture and later at one month, three months, six months and a year. Regardless of etiology, exocrine pancreatic function was always impaired after acute pancreatitis, no case showing recuperation at one month of the picture but some did at three months (64% of the lithiasis group and 25% of the alcoholic group). We also attempted to relate the recuperation of the exocrine pancreas with the amylase levels, leukocytosis and calcemia encountered in the acute phase. The only correlation found was a poorer and later recuperation in the patients with the lowest calcemia levels during the acute picture.