Background: Human immune responses to latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection (LTBI) may enable individuals to control Mtb infection and halt progression to tuberculosis (TB), a hypothesis applied in several novel TB vaccines. We aimed to evaluate whether immune responses to selected LTBI antigens were associated with subsequent reduced risk of progression to TB.
Methods: We conducted a population-based cohort study in East Greenland (2012-2014) including individuals aged 5-31years. A personal identifier allowed follow-up in national registers including the TB notification register. Mtb infection was defined by a positive Quantiferon test. Immune responses to LTBI antigens were assessed by whole blood antigen stimulation and interferon gamma measurement.
Results: Among 978 participants, 67 previously had TB. LTBI antigen (Rv1284, Rv2659, Rv2660c) immune response prevalence was 18%, 50%, 2% among Mtb-infected and 7%, 40%, 4% among non-infected (Quantiferon negative) participants. Among 911 participants without prior notified TB, 31 were notified with TB during study follow-up. Immune responses to LTBI antigens were not associated with reduced risk of subsequent TB; Rv1284 HR 0.92 (95%CI 0.28-3.04), Rv2659 HR 1.05 (95%CI 0.51-2.13), Rv2660c HR 3.06 (95%CI 0.70-13.37).
Conclusion: In this large population-based study, human immune responses to selected LTBI antigens were not found to be strongly associated with reduced risk of subsequent TB.
Keywords: Antigens; Epidemiology; Immunity; Tuberculosis; Vaccines.
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