Initial healthcare to pediatric population under the radiation events

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2016 Dec:21:21-44.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


The objective of this paper is to analyze the data from scientific literature and available recommendations for health professionals on healthcare providing to pediatric population in the events associated with risk of radiation exposure. Over the past sixty years there were several large scale radiological events with a large number of chil dren affected, namely the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, contact to 137Cs radiation source unutilized at the hospital shutdown in Brazil etc. Further research has crys tallized injuries and health disorders in the survived children in all cases being much more significant vs. other pop ulations. Analysis of circumstances and features of a number of emergency situations or incidents in the nuclear industry for several decades has shown a high probability of radioactive materials release into the environment. The danger of terrorism with the use of ionizing radiation sources resulting in a considered inevitable hazard to the chil dren is estimated as serious in recent years and deserves an especial mention here.

Metoiu statti ie analiz danykh naukovoï literatury ta naiavnykh rekomendatsiy̆ shchodo nadannia pratsivnykamy okhoro ny zdorov'ia dopomogy dytiachomu naselenniu pry podiiakh, iaki pov'iazani z ryzykom radiatsiy̆nogo vplyvu. Za ostanni shistdesiat rokiv vidbulosia kil'ka masshtabnykh radiatsiy̆nykh podiy̆, u khodi iakykh postrazhdala velyka kil'kist' dy tiachogo naselennia – atomni bombarduvannia iapons'kykh mist Khirosima i Nagasaki, avariia na Chornobyl's'koï atom noï elektrostantsiï, oprominennia dzherelom 137Cs, neutylizovanym pry zakrytti gospitaliu u Brazyliï toshcho. Prove deni vidpovidni doslidzhennia zrobyly ochevydnymy nezrivnianno bil'sh znachni urazhennia i porushennia stanu zdo rov'ia ditey̆, porivniano z inshymy grupamy naselennia, v usikh tykh vypadkakh. U svoiu chergu, analiz obstavyn i osob lyvostey̆ kil'kokh pozashtatnykh sytuatsiy̆ abo intsydentiv na pidpryiemstvakh atomnoï promyslovosti za kil'ka desia tylit' pokazav vysoku imovirnist' nadkhodzhennia pry ts'omu radioaktyvnykh materialiv u navkolyshnie seredovyshche. Okremoï uvagy zaslugovuie sery̆ozno otsiniuvana v ostanni roky nebezpeka teroryzmu z vykorystanniam dzherel ionizuiuchykh vyprominiuvan', vnaslidok chogo urazhennia ditey̆ takozh vvazhaiet'sia nemynuchym.

Keywords: ionizing radiation exposure of the population; radiation medicine; the Chornobyl disaster; the health of children.

MeSH terms

  • Brazil
  • Cesium Radioisotopes
  • Child
  • Delivery of Health Care*
  • Humans
  • Radioactive Hazard Release
  • Terrorism


  • Cesium Radioisotopes
  • Cesium-137