The authors report the results of a latero-lateral colorectal anastomotic technique which includes a wide rectoplasty. Analysis is based on 46 patients with a post-operative follow-up of between 2 and 8 years. 1 patient suffered from congenital mega-colon and 45 from adenocarcinoma of the upper half of the rectum. 4 of the anastomoses followed colostomy for obstruction and 4 others were followed by a protective colostomy. Two post-operative deaths occurred and there were 3 anastomotic fistulae, one of which was asymptomatic. Hepatic metastases occurred in 10 cases and were associated with loco-regional recurrence in 5 cases. The functional results were excellent. In survivors with no evidence of local recurrence there were no cases of stenosis of the anastomosis.