Melasma, also known as chloasma or mask of pregnancy, presents clinically as hyperpigmented skin areas, which develop mostly in the face as a consequence of increased synthesis of melanin. The established treatment options, including topically applied agents and the use of various laser systems, mostly result in improvement but not in complete remission of the lesions. Because of its significant impact on quality of life and the limited effectivity of available treatment options, the management of melasma is challenging for the treating physician. Although many risk factors, including pregnancy and UV exposure, have been identified, the pathogenesis is not yet fully understood. Avoiding solar or artificial UV exposure is of high importance both for the prevention of melasma and for the clinical outcome of existing lesions. In order to avoid vitamin D deficiency, oral vitamin D supplementation should be recommended. In this review, we give an update on clinical aspects, epidemiology, pathogenesis and therapy of melasma and give an outlook on future developments.
Keywords: Hyperpigmentation; Pregnancy; Sunlight; UV exposure; Vitamin D.